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Faculty & Staff

Ask any student, parent or alumni what spirit saturates the halls of Tampa Prep, and they will all tell you:  it’s the faculty. Our teachers are educational thought leaders who ask hard questions, launch daring conversations, listen, collaborate and continue to learn.

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Elle Ashworth

Elle Ashworth

Arts Department Chair

Victoria Attaway

Victoria Attaway

Data Systems Manager

Dan Axford

Dan Axford

Dean of Students

Michelle Ayres

Michelle Ayres

Health Coordinator

Faculty Staff Baber Matt

Matthew Baber

History and the Social Sciences

F Bahtic Michelle

Michelle Bahtic


F Baggett Kim

Kimberly Baggett

Director of Human Resources

F Baker Edsel

Edsel Baker Jr.


Bamford John

John Bamford


F Beekman Suzanne

Suzanne L. Beekman


Gilad Ben-Zvi

Gilad Ben-Zvi


Bradshaw Bob

Bob Bradshaw

Faculty Advisor – Senior Class Projects

Cassidy Bull

Cassidy Bull


F Burns Wes

Wes Burns


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Andrea Cafaro

Upper School Assistant

Ysabella Canto

Ysabella Canto

Development Coordinator

F Cardillo Stephanie copy

Stephanie Cardillo


Margaret Carraway pref 1

Margaret Carraway ’11

History and the Social Sciences

F Carreno Santiago

Santiago Carreño

World and Classical Languages, History and the Social Sciences

Yohanis Carrera

Yohanis Carrera

World and Classical Languages

Faculty Staff Cayon Georgianna 1

Georgianna Cayon


Faculty Staff Chapman Ginger 1

Ginger Chapman


F Circle Mike

Mike Circle

Director of Facilities

Faculty Staff Cole Michelle

Michele Cole

School Counselor

Nick Comella

Nick Comella

Assistant Director of Admissions

Faculty Staff Cook Samantha

Samantha Cook

History and the Social Sciences

Cooner Susie

Susie Cooner

Assistant to the Head of School


Stefanie Corlew

Director of Finance & Operations

Faculty Staff DeAmbrose Martha

Martha DeAmbrose

2D Fine Arts

Faculty Staff DeTringo John

John DeTringo



Jean Paul Dieme

World and Classical Languages

Agyei Domfeh

Agyei Domfeh


Faculty Staff Emrich Kristen

Kristen Emrich

Upper School Sciences (Chemistry)

Faculty Staff Fenlon Joe

Joe Fenlon

Associate Head of School and Head of Middle School

Faculty Staff Fernandez Natalia

Natalia Fernandez


Faculty Staff Folmer David

Dave Folmer

Upper School Mathematics

Amanda 4web

Amanda Fontana

Associate Director of Community Engagement

Amanda Faunce

Amanda Faunce

Assistant to the Head of Middle School/Associate Head of School


Robert Franz

Head of Upper School

F Figuerdo Nilda

Nilda Figuerdo


Faculty Staff Franz Maria

Mia Franz


Julia Freeman scaled 1

Julia Freeman

Director of Marketing & Communications

Fren Frank

Frank Fren


Laura 4web

Laura Fren

Database Manager

Amanda Gammons

Amanda Gammons


F Garcia Mary

Mary Garcia


F Gilbert Odell

Odell Gilbert


Kristen Green

Kristen Green


F Greseth Jennifer 1

Jen Greseth

Academic Support Counselor

Faculty Staff Grosso Kerri Ann

Kerri Grosso

Science &
Middle School Athletic Director

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Kristin Grosso

Assistant Director of College Counseling

Faculty Staff Harwell Rosa

Rosa B. Harwell


F Wooley Amanda copy 2

Dr. Amanda Helip-Wooley


Faculty Staff Hendrix AJ

AJ Hendrix


F Honegger Tammy copy

Tammy Honegger

Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, Director of Summer Programs

Zach H head only

Zach Houghton

Strength and Conditioning Coach

Faculty Staff Hoy Andrew

Andrew Hoy


Margeaux Imperiale

Margeaux Imperiale

Director of Terrapin Fund

Faculty Staff Jago Kim

Kim Jago ’81

History and the Social Sciences

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Dr. Lakshmi Jayaram

History and the Social Sciences

Faculty Staff Jisha Chrissy

Christine Jisha

Academic Dean of Students and 9th Grade Dean

Jones Peyton

Dr. Peyton Lee Jones ’02

Upper School History

Faculty Staff Jonson Sarah

Sarah R. Johnson

Academic Support Counselor

Kavanaugh Jake

Jake Kavanagh

Technical Theatre & 10th Grade Dean

Daniel Keller scaled 1

Daniel Keller

History and the Social Sciences

Faculty Staff Kelly John

John Kelly


Koenig Megan

Megan Koenig


Kelsie Laliberte

Kelsie Laliberte

Athletic Trainer

Earnest Photo

Suzy Lassacher



Chris Lavoie

Director of Athletics

F Lewis Chad

Chad Lewis

Director of Technology

F Lewis Victoria copy

Victoria Lewis

Technology Integration Specialist

Liashchynskaya Wiktoryia

Viktoryia Liashchynskaya

World and Classical Languages

Sarah Lonetto

Sarah Lonetto

English Department Chair

F Mann David

David Mann


Faculty Staff Maraghy Chris

Chris Maraghy


F Marquez Jaime

Jaime Marquez


F McEndree Kevin

Kevin McEndree

Technology Support Specialist

Adonis McQueen

Dr. Adonis McQueen


Jayda Miller

Jayda Miller

History and the Social Sciences

Faculty Staff Mona Erin

Erin Mona


Faculty Staff Monea Noel

Noël Monea


Faculty Staff Morrison Donald

Donald Morrison ’86

Dean of Faculty, History and the Social Sciences

F Nembhard Latonigi

Latonigi Nembhard


F Nufio Celia

Celia Nufio


Tonya Osborn

Tonya Osborn


Ki Perry Headshot

Ki Perry

Director of Development

Earnest 1

John Phelps

Director of Security

Faculty Staff Plummer Kevin

Kevin M. Plummer

Head of School

Faculty Staff Quah KK

KK Quah

Science, Arts

F Quattrone Bruno

Bruno Quattrone

Physical Education

Faculty Staff Rendina Diana

Diana Rendina

Media Specialist

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Jody Rodriguez

Assistant Director of College Counseling

F Rodriguez Lazaro

Lazaro Rodriguez


Faculty Staff Rodriguez Melanie

Melanie Rodriguez

Business Office & Wellbeing Coordinator

Shayleen Rodriguez

Shayleen Rodriguez

Front Desk Associate

Faculty Staff Sabean Heidi

Heidi Sabean

World and Classical Languages
Language Department Chair

Faculty Staff Sanford Kimmy

Kimmy Sanford

History and the Social Sciences


Courtney Schaefer


F Schultz Tim 1

Tim Schultz

Assistant Athletic Director / Sports Information

Faculty Staff Seary John

John Seary

World and Classical Languages

Bryson Sewell

Bryson Sewell

World and Classical Languages

Faculty Staff Seymore Andrea

Andrea Seymore

Facilities Coordinator

Lily Shayani

Lily Shayani

History and the Social Sciences

Faculty Staff Smith Doug

Doug Smith

History and the Social Sciences Department Chair

Eric Snow

Eric Snow

Assistant Athletic Director

Kim Souza

Kim Souza

College Counseling Coordinator

F Sumby Mychael

Mychael Sumby ’06

Associate Director of Admissions
Director of Summer Programs

Faculty Staff Taylor Leanna

Leanna Taylor ’95

Physical Education

F Morrison Maggie

Maggie Thomas

Director of Donor Engagement

Faculty Staff Toure Elhadji

Elhadji Toure

Network Manager

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Ally Twarog

Graphic Designer

F Van Dyck Chris copy

Chris Van Dyck



Sara Wagner

Physical Education, Science

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Mike Wagstaff

Director of College Counseling

Faculty Staff Wieloszynski Chelsea

Chelsea Wieloszynski

English, Arts
12th Grade Dean

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Dr. Joshua Wille


Nathan Wolkenhauer

Nathan Wolkenhauer

Mathematics & Assistant Head of the Middle School

Ingrid Wong Headshot

Ingrid Wong

World and Classical Languages

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Betsy Zollinger

Assistant to the Director of Admissions