Faculty and Staff

Martha DeAmbrose
Middle and Upper School 2D Arts
email: mdeambrose@tampaprep.org

I am constantly reminded of how grateful I am that I get to do some of my favorite things almost every day: art and running! Growing up I knew I wanted to work with children and somehow incorporate art, so when I saw that the University of Tampa offered a degree in Art Therapy I knew I found my dream degree.
I quickly took to the more educational side of Art Therapy, showing others new ways of seeing, exploring, and creating what is beautiful and interesting to them. Fortunately, I get to do this every day at Tampa Prep as I learn something new right along with the students in my classes.
My favorite moments are the “a-ha!” moments. Those moments after brainstorming together, when the student is able to understand or transfer what is in their mind onto the paper.
I also coach Middle School Cross Country and Track. The fulfillment I find from this is not just in sharing my love of running, but also in creating lifelong healthy habits.
I also advise an after-school club called Coloring the Community. CTC is a like-minded group of students who come together with a common goal of outreach and creativity. They have painted and made art lesson plans for both Graham Elementary and A Brighter Community for over 10 years. Read more about a recent Coloring the Community project.