In support of the School’s Mission Statement, Tampa Prep offers an interdisciplinary Global Studies Concentration for rising 10th-grade students passionate about international issues. The concentration requirements aim to equip graduates with various experiences that prepare them for further opportunities in these interdisciplinary fields while completing Tampa Prep’s graduation requirements.
Global Studies

Why a Global Studies Concentration?
Academic Concentration
Each program requires students to select classes from relevant coursework that coincide with each interdisciplinary focus in addition to the core curriculum. Additionally, they are expected to complete concentration relevant extracurriculars.
Global Studies Requirements
Summary of Requirements:
- Application and acceptance into the Concentration
- Completion of the core curriculum
- Completion of two additional Global Studies credits
- Regular participation in an approved club
- Attendance of at least one Model United Nations conference before graduation
- Attendance of all planned on-campus Global Studies events and one off-campus Global Studies event per semester
- Hosting of an international student
- Participation in at least one approved study/travel abroad program
- Completion of an approved culminating research project
- Maintain a minimum overall unweighted 3.0 GPA in Global Studies Courses (pertains to the Class of 2017 and beyond)
1. Application
Rising tenth grade students must submit an application by a pre-determined deadline to the Global Studies Committee, stating their desire to participate in the Concentration and agreeing to the terms of the program
2. Participating students must complete the following core curriculum by graduation:
- World History 1 or Big History
- World History 2, Topics in Global History, or AP World History
- US History or AP US History
- Civics or AP Government
- English 9
- English 10
- English 11
- English 12
- Four-year minimum
- Can be three years in one language and one in a second language, or four in the same language
3. Participating students must complete at least two credits of these courses by the end of twelfth grade:
- Economics (1.0)
- AP Economics (1.0)
- AP European History (1.0)
- Estudios Latinoamericanos (0.5)
- Latin American Studies (0.5)
- World Religions (0.5)
- Contemporary Issues (0.5)
- Cultural Anthropology (0.5)
- Thinking About Art (0.5)
- Other courses approved by the Global Studies Committee
4. Students must be a regular, yearly participant in one of the following activities:
- International Club
- Environment Club
- Model United Nations (M.U.N.)
- A Tampa Prep foreign language club
- Any additional club approved by the Global Studies Committee
5. Additional Requirements:
- Students must attend at least one Model United Nations conference before graduation
- Students must attend all planned on-campus Global Studies events and one off-campus Global Studies event per semester
- There will be a variety of offerings each semester
- After each event students must submit an artifact from the event (if off-campus) and a written reflection of the event to the Global Studies Committee within five days of attending the event
- Students must host an international student at least once during their Global Studies Concentration (by the end of twelfth grade)
- May be housing a Tampa Prep international student for a semester or a year (Host families will be provided with a monthly stipend to defer costs of hosting a student)
- May be a shorter-term hosting arrangement of a Tampa Prep program
- Students must participate in at least one approved study/travel abroad program during their Global Studies Concentration (by the end of twelfth grade)
- Program must be a minimum ten days in length and cultural in focus
- Any exceptions must be approved by the Global Studies Committee
- Students must complete a culminating Global Research Project that is approved by the Global Studies Committee
- Students must present their research in a public forum
- Students are encouraged to pursue a global studies oriented Senior Internship
- * All exceptions to these requirements must be approved by the Global Studies Committee
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