Innovative Learning

3# Project
For the 3# Project (3 lbs. is the weight of the human brain) Seniors in Honors English resolve to try something that they have always been interested in learning more about. This can be anything from playing an instrument, to cooking a vegan meal, to building a car engine. Throughout the process, they maintain a digital portfolio of blog entries, research and multimedia samples of their works in progress. Their portfolios are included as part of their final presentation in a gallery-style exhibition and presented to guests in an engaging public speaking experience.
Declamations are a unique Tampa Prep tradition that help students build confidence through public speaking. All students, grades 6-12, are required to prepare and deliver an oral presentation. Middle School students choose & memorize a pre-existing work while Upper School students choose a topic that they feel passionate about, write and perform their own original work. Students advance through rounds performing for their class, their grade, and finalists for each grade perform in front of the entire school. This process gives all kids the vital skills and experience to master public speaking with confidence!

Class Trips
From snorkeling in the Florida Keys to visiting Plymouth Rock in Boston and back-packing & camping in Pisgah National Forest, students get to experience a bonding trip or activity with their classmates in every grade.

Terrapin Days
Middle School & Upper School students all live out our “higher purpose than self” goal by volunteering in the community at various non-profit organizations that have included Feeding Tampa Bay, Metropolitan Ministries, Humane Society as well as playground and beach clean-ups.
Senior Internships
Successful completion of the Senior Internship program is a requirement for graduation, giving Seniors incredible, practical “real-world” experience in the working world, in a field where they have interest. Beginning in January, Seniors are counseled through the process of sourcing, interviewing and preparing for internships. They must intern for a total of 70 hours (less 10 hours for each AP class being taken) and write each week about their experience.