Faculty and Staff

John Seary
World and Classical Languages
email: jseary@tampaprep.org

Having experienced the benefits of an independent school as a student firsthand, I have developed an appreciation for institutions like Tampa Preparatory School. Attending St. Patrick’s Catholic School molded me into the person I am today in nearly every aspect: academically, emotionally and socially. The independent school education I received allowed me to succeed in high school and eventually receive a full scholarship to attend the University of South Florida. I graduated from USF in 2013 and received degrees in Classics- Latin/Ancient Greek and History, with focuses in Latin and Ancient History. My senior research included projecting modern psycho-analytics onto the entire works of the Latin poet Catullus, and an in-depth analysis of the sources and history of Severan Rome. I am an avid bowler and can be found spending my free time at the various bowling alleys around Tampa. Though I may have had my greatest success in bowling, my true love is and always will be ice hockey. I dreamt of being on the Tampa Bay Lightning as a child and have gone to countless games in the past. Lastly, I enjoy gaming, travel, soccer and at leisure partaking in my journey to teach myself the Russian language.
Read Mr. Seary’s thoughts on student Katarina G.
Mr. Seary is the:
- Latin Club co-sponsor
- Middle School Bowling Coach
- Middle School Track Coach