Faculty and Staff

Michele Cole
School Counselor
email: mcole@tampaprep.org
School counseling has to be the best career in the world and it’s a wonderful blend of lots of things I love to do. My week includes teaching, counseling with individual students, meeting with small groups of students, talking to parents and teachers, crisis counseling, and strategizing long-range plans to meet the social/emotional needs of a diverse student body.
Although I’ve worked in school counseling for 18 years, the past six years at Tampa Prep have been the most rewarding of my career. The Prep environment affirms individuality in students and faculty members, while also challenging growth, risk-taking, and intellectual and professional development. I thrive in the varied schedule and the freedom to be flexible in responding to student, teacher, and family needs as they arise usually unplanned! Each day is unique! In my spare time, I enjoy reading, crafting, and spending time with my husband, my three sons, and my beautiful granddaughter.