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Yearbook Pictures
Yearbook pictures will be taken on October 3 for both Middle School and Upper School students. Picture make-up days for students that were absent will be October 17. After the scheduled Picture Day, families will receive a proof and order form from Studio Artistry via email and can order their prints online as well.
Senior Yearbook Pictures
All seniors must be photographed as early in the school year as possible to ensure their inclusion for print deadlines set for the yearbook staff. At the very latest, all seniors should have an appointment scheduled prior to Winter Break. If you do not have an appointment scheduled, or if you need to make any changes to your current appointment, please contact Studio Artistry directly at 813.873.7959. Questions about your senior portrait session? Find the Studio Artistry FAQs here!
After your student’s senior portrait session, you will return to the studio to select which photos should be included in the yearbook. You will select two images (one portrait and one casual) that Studio Artistry will send to Tampa Prep for inclusion in the yearbook. The deadline to choose your final photos is February 7, 2025.
**Please remember that photos selected for the yearbook must be school-appropriate and meet all dress code requirements described in the Guide to Academics & Student Life.**
Yearbook Tributes
As a tradition, the Tampa Prep yearbook, Talisman, provides a venue for parents to congratulate their graduating senior, the graduation of an 8th grader into the Upper School, or simply congratulate a child on their academic or athletic success. Families can design their tributes at home using the Balfour AdBuilder. Tributes can be purchased, designed, and submitted online.
It is as simple as visiting, creating an account, and designing your tribute!
We are asking that tributes be purchased by December 27 and finished designs be submitted by January 24. THESE DEADLINES ARE FINAL IN ORDER FOR THE YEARBOOK TO BE SUBMITTED ON TIME.
Click here to see a demo video on how to design your tribute
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Chelsea Wieloszynski at school 813.251.8481 or by email at