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Day of Giving

Support Tampa Prep for what it’s been and what it will always be.
A place to Think. Create. Be Yourself. Aspire to Excellence and Go Beyond.  

The 4th Annual Tampa Prep Day of Giving, which supports our Terrapin Fund, is Thursday, May 1, 2025!
Tuition covers 90% of our School’s operating costs, which is why our Day of Giving is so vital for the Tampa Prep experience.

Your support gives us the ability to live our mission.

New this year: You can choose to drop your gift in a specific bucket – Give and support your passion!

Think Bucket: STEM (Enhanced technology and science equipment)
Create Bucket: Arts (Art department field trips, additional theater, music & chorus opportunities)
Be Yourself Bucket: Financial Aid for Students (20% of Tampa Prep students rely on assistance)
Go Beyond Bucket: Professional Development for Faculty (conferences, workshops, certifications)
Aspire to Excellence Bucket: Athletics (venue improvements, equipment & uniform updates, signage)

Building BOLD: Capital Campaign Bucket (the time is NOW to help complete our BOLD Building and be a part of Tampa Prep’s future)

Of course, we always welcome a general gift to our Annual Terrapin Fund, which allows us to put funds where they are most needed.

Thank You again – Your gift is a direct investment in a child’s education!

Day Of Giving FAQ

Where can I find more information on the events and challenges happening throughout the day?

Be sure to check your email throughout the day for challenges and updates. Please also follow us on our social media accounts to keep up with all the fun!
Instagram: @tampa_prep
Facebook: Tampa Preparatory School

What does my gift support?

Gifts made on the Day of Giving benefit the Terrapin Fund. This year, you can choose to drop your gift in a specific bucket. See below examples of what our Terrapin Fund has helped to provide in the past.

STEM: Enhanced technology and science equipment
Arts: Art department field trips, additional theater, music & chorus opportunities
Athletics: Venue improvements, equipment & uniform updates, signage
Professional Development: For Faculty (conferences, workshops, certifications)
Financial Aid for Students: 20% of Tampa Prep students rely on assistance

How do I make a gift on the day of giving?

Gifts are always welcome and appreciated anytime on our Give Page.

On the Day of Giving, there will be a dedicated webpage that will go live the week of the event and will be linked to the Give Now button on the top of this page. Part of the fun is that on the Day of Giving we will have various “match” challenges, so it’s possible that your donation can go even further!

Have any questions? Please contact us at

What if I already made a gift to Tampa Prep this year?

First, thank you! A successful Day of Giving is about participation. Gifts from across our community make it possible for Tampa Prep to keep asking “what’s next?” Everyone who is in a position to give – or give again – at any level is invited to be part of this special community event!

If I have questions, who should I contact?

Reach out to the Development Team!

813-251-8481 |

Ki Perry, Director of Development, x4023

Maggie Thomas, Director of Donor Engagement, x4005

Amanda Fontana, Associate Director of Community Engagement, x4098