Pisgah National Forest, NC
Important dates for the summer 2024 trip (Class of 2026):
Aug. 18 – Aug. 23: Rising 11th-grade students experience Pisgah National Forest.
Each August, the incoming 11th-grade class visits Pisgah National Forest in North Carolina. In many ways, the students are taken out of their comfort zone and are exposed to new experiences: separated from their friends and family; out of an urban environment and into the woods; taking on new responsibilities. It is our intent to have students experience camping and backpacking in a positive way, especially because many of them may never experience anything like this again. In this way, they can all look back and be proud of something that they never thought they could do, like cooking their own meals, rock climbing, or sleeping in an open-air shelter.
If you have any trip questions, please contact Pisgah Trip Coordinator Mr. Chris Maraghy at cmaraghy@tampaprep.org.
REQUIRED FORMS (due by May 17, 2024):
Print single-sided this packet of five (5) forms.
All forms must be completed & returned to school, either at the front desk or by mailing them to the School:
ATTN: Rosa Harwell
Tampa Preparatory School
727 W. Cass Street
Tampa, FL 33606